
Read them all
  • 1. Can Èspresso1882 capsules be used in all Nespresso®* machines?

    Capsules compatible with the Èspresso1882 Trè and Coffee Machines for home use manufactured by Nespresso®*.

  • 2. Even if I've chosen Èspresso1882, can I use Nespresso®* capsules in my Nespresso®* machine?

    Of course. The machine will continue working with both capsules.

  • 3. I would like to open a Coffee Shop 1882, how can I get more information?

    Contact us via email at design@caffevergnano.com

  • 4. I run a bar and would like more information on your products. What should I do?

    Contact us on +39 011.94.55111 or write an email to export@caffevergnano.com

  • Le Capsule sono compatibili con le macchine Citiz, Pixie, Essenza, Lattissima, U, Maestria e Inissia ad uso domestico a marchio Nespresso®*. Inoltre sono compatibili con la macchina Èspresso1882 TRÈ e TRÈ+.

  • Certo. La macchina continuerà a funzionare con entrambe le capsule.

  • Contattaci scrivendo una mail a design@caffevergnano.com

  • Contattaci al numero 011.94.55111 oppure scrivi una mail a italia@caffevergnano.com

* This brand is not owned by Caffè Vergnano S.p.a. and its affiliated companies.

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